Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Twice "Baked" Potatoes

Well, yesterday was our 4 year wedding anniversary.  Since a weeknight and not payday yet, we decided to put off a "date night" until the weekend and just stayed at home with daughter and new grandbaby.  I figured dinner should be more than a frozen pizza or hot dogs tonight, so I went through the pantry to see what I had I could try and -  lo and behold I had some red potatoes raising their little hands to be used, so tried a new recipe and boy am I glad I did!  I swear these little suckers tasted like something I cooked on for hours and something you would find in a fancy-shmancy restaurant! But they are EASY and FAST!

Ingredient List:

Size B Red Potatoes (these are the smaller mid size potatoes, kind of around size of an egg)
Tastefully Simple Onion Onion Seasoning Blend
3 T mayonnaise
3 T sour cream
4 oz shredded mozzarella
2 oz shredded parmesan
Tastefully Simple Bacon Bacon

First thing you are going to do is cut your potatoes in half crosswise.  Then using a melon baller or spoon, scoop out a small well in the potato (about 1/2" deep) and line potatoes up in pan (see picture below)  I used Pampered Chef's Small Ridged Baker. Since these are made in the microwave, be sure to use a pan small enough to fit your microwave and spin while in there.

Sprinkle potatoes with a little Onion Onion and then cover with parchment paper and microwave 9-12 minutes until potatoes are done (Soft when poked with a knife tip).

While potatoes are cooking, mix together the mayonnaise, sour cream, cheeses and 1 1/2 TBSP of Onion Onion.  When potatoes are done you are going to fill each well with the filling.

Recover potatoes with parchment paper and microwave for an additional  1-2 minutes to get cheese all melty and warm.

Remove potatoes and sprinkle with Bacon Bacon.  I would also sprinkle these with some chopped green onion but my bare fridge did not have any to use last night.

And Enjoy!

Let me know what you think!

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